
Below, a selection of my publications in the following groups:

  • Agrarian questions & political ecology
  • Pesticides and risk
  • Bananas, standards, and the politics of disease control
  • Knowledge, technology and society
  • Biotechnology governance
  • Miscellaneous publications

Please, feel free to contact me if you would like to receive a copy (pdf) of any of these publications and cannot access them through the links below. A full list of publications is available at Google Scholar click here.

Agrarian questions & political ecology

Autonomy and repeasantization: Conceptual, analytical, and methodological problems. (2022). K. Jansen, M. Vicol & L. Nikol. Journal of Agrarian Change. Free access.

Rethinking conventionalisation: A view from organic agriculture in the Global South. (2021). L. Nikol & K. Jansen. Journal of Rural Studies. Free access.

The debate on food sovereignty theory: Agrarian capitalism, dispossession and agroecology. (2015). Journal of Peasant Studies. Free author’s version (or abstract and access via publisher)

Panama disease and contract farming in the Philippines: Towards a political ecology of risk (2018), de la Cruz, J. and K. Jansen. Journal of Agrarian Change. Free access.

Is oil palm expansion a challenge to agroecology? Smallholders practising industrial farming in Mexico. (2018), Castellanos-Navarrete, A. and K. Jansen. Journal of Agrarian Change. Free access (or abstract and access via publisher).

Agribusiness and society: Corporate responses to environmentalism, market opportunities and public regulation. Jansen, K., and S. Vellema (eds) (2004). London: Zed. Free access.

Political ecology, mountain agriculture and knowledge in Honduras. (1998). Thela Publishers, Amsterdam. Free access.

Modernizing insecurity: the land titling project in Honduras. (1998), with E. Roquas. Development and Change. Free access (or abstract and access via publisher)

Labour, livelihoods, and the quality of life in organic agriculture in Europe. (2000). Biological Agriculture and Horticulture. Free access.

Devil pact narratives in rural Central America: Class, gender and ‘resistance’, (2002). Journal of Peasant Studies (with E. Roquas). Free author’s version (or abstract and access via publisher)

Biofuel, dairy production and beef in Brazil: Competing claims on land use in São Paulo State. Novo, A., K. Jansen, M. Slingerland, and K. Giller, (2010). Journal of Peasant Studies. Free access (or abstract and access via publisher).

The return of the state: Neocollectivism, agrarian politics and images of technological progress in the MAS era in Bolivia. (2014), Cordoba, D. and K. Jansen. Journal of Agrarian Change. Free access (or abstract and access via publisher).

Pesticides and Risk

The politics of counter-expertise on aerial spraying: Social movements denouncing pesticide risk governance in the Philippines. L. Nikol & K. Jansen (2020). Journal of Contemporary Asia. Free access.

Business conflict and risk regulation: Understanding the influence of the pesticide industry, (2017). Global Environmental Politics. Free access. Click for the report with supplementary data.

Global pesticide governance by disclosure: Prior informed consent and the Rotterdam Convention. (2014), with M. Dubois. In A. Gupta & M. Mason (Eds.), Transparency in global environmental governance: Critical perspectives. Cambridge, MIT Press. Free access

The unspeakable ban: The translation of global pesticide governance into Honduran national regulation, (2008). World Development. Free access (or abstract and access via publisher).

Crisis discourses and technology regulation in a weak state: Responses to a pesticide disaster in Honduras, (2003). Development and Change. Free author’s version (or abstract and access)

Pesticide risk perceptions and the differences between farmers and extensionists: Towards a knowledge-in-context model. Ríos-González, A., K. Jansen, & H. Sánchez-Pérez, (2013) Environmental Research. Free access (or abstract and access).

Social movements and risk perception: Unions, churches, pesticides and bananas in Costa Rica. Barraza, D., K. Jansen, B. van Wendel de Joode, and C. Wesseling, (2013). International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health. Free access (or abstract and access).

Plaguicidas y su regulación en Honduras, (2002). Ceiba. Free access

Pesticide use in banana and plantain production and risk perception among local actors in Talamanca, Costa Rica. (2011), Barraza, D., K. Jansen, B. Van Wendel De Joode and C. Wesseling. Environmental Research. Free access (or abstract and access)

From integrated pest management to indiscriminate pesticide use in Kazakhstan. (2011) Toleubayev, K., K. Jansen and A. Van Huis. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture. (abstract and access)

Bananas, Standards, and the Politics of Disease Control

Greening bananas and institutionalizing environmentalism: Self-regulation by fruit corporations, (2004). In K. Jansen and S. Vellema (eds) Agribusiness and society: Corporate responses to environmentalism, market opportunities and public regulation. London: Zed: 145-175. (free access)

Banana wars and the multiplicity of conflicts in commodity chains, (2006) European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies. (free access)

Locust control in transition: The loss and reinvention of collective action in post-Soviet Kazakhstan. Toleubayev, K., K. Jansen, and A. Van Huis (2007), Ecology and Society (free access).

Commodification of science and the production of public goods: Plant protection research in Kazakhstan, Toleubayev, K., K. Jansen, and A. Van Huis, (2010). Research Policy (abstract and access or free access).

Same disease—different research strategies: Bananas and Black Sigatoka in Brazil and Colombia. (2014) Cordoba, D. and K. Jansen. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography. (abstract and access)

Knowledge, Technology and Society

The Capitalocene response to the Anthropocene, (2021), with Joost Jongerden. In H. Akram-Lodhi et al. (Eds) Handbook of Critical Agrarian Studies. (free author’s version)

Implicit sociology, interdisciplinarity and systems theories in agricultural science, (2009). Sociologia Ruralis (free author’s version or abstract and access).

What is technography? (2011), with S. Vellema. NJAS Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences (free access).

The novelty of simple and known technologies and the rhythm of farmer-centred innovation in family dairy farming in Brazil.  Novo, A., K. Jansen and M. Slingerland (2015). International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability (free access)

Knowledge and agrarian de-collectivization in Kazakhstan. Toleubayev, K., K. Jansen, and A. Van Huis (2010). Journal of Peasant Studies (abstract and access).

Unpacking and re-packing knowledge in development, (2004), with C. Leeuwis, S. Mani, E. Roquas, M. Skutsch, and G. Verschoor. In D. Kalb, W. Pansters and H. Siebers (eds) Globalization and development. Themes and concepts in current research. (free access)

The malleability of participation: The politics of agricultural research and neoliberalism in Bolivia. (2014) Cordoba, D., K. Jansen and C. González. Development and Change. (abstract and access)

Biotechnology governance

Anticipating the future: ‘Biotechnology for the poor’ as unrealized promise? (2009), with A. Gupta. Futures (abstract and access or free access).

Biosafety regulation and global governance: The problem of absentee expertise in Latin America. (2008), with E. Roquas. In G. Otero (ed.) Food for the Few: Neoliberal Globalism and Agricultural Biotechnology in Latin America. Austin, University of Texas Press: 91-114.

Science advice for biotechnology regulation in developing countries. (2005), with E. Roquas. In: M. Leach, I. Scoones and B. Wynne (eds) Science and Citizens: Globalization and the Challenge of Engagement. London, Zed: 142-154.

Miscellaneous publications

Acceptance of human feces-based fertilizers in fecophobic Ghana. (2016), G. Buit & K. Jansen. Human Organization (free access)

Critical introductory notes on Farming Systems Research in developing Third World agriculture. (1989), R. Brouwer & K. Jansen. Systems Practice (free access)

Café y formas de producción en Honduras. (1993) Revista Centroamericana de Economía. (free access)

Farmer strategies and tule (Cyperus canus) production systems in Honduras. (1999). Ceiba. (free access)